For your entertainment - here was my experience:
01) 21/11/10 try and compress all files using cpanel file manager
02) find compress fails
03) raise calls with hosting company to sort out
04) manually set up ftp to copy all files to local PC
05) backup database using phpmyadmin
06) upgrade DTR from 2.6.7b to 2.6.8 plus modules and plugins
07) upgrade DTR from 2.6.8 to 2.7.0 plus modules and plugins
08) find fields missing apart from old custom fields
09) raise support log on DTH
10) host tells me changes being made over night
11) go to bed
12) 22/11/10 no answer from DTH log - create entry on forum
13) still no answer for compress issue - not working still
14) 22/11/10 home from work start looking again
15) no answer on forum or DTH log
16) find compress is working but rogue files somewhere taking up 800MB of space but not visible on file manager
17) use cpanel to find filespace usage directory
18) find it is Jreviews component - clear cache from inside that
19) discover there is DTR 2.7a - upgrade to that - same problems
20) compress files ok - so take backup of files from DTR2.7a
21) backup databse from 2.7a
22) ftp delete all files
23) phpmyadmin drop all tables
24) look for backup files from step - 04
25) discover not all there - PANIC :shock:
26) restore database from Lazy Backup auto backup email
27) start to look for last previous successful file backup - 28 June!!!
28) try and formulate plan for restoring 2.7a files and then compressing all but components/com_dtregister? then can I reinstall 2.6.7b? to match database?
29) raise 2 forum entries and a log to aks for help on this as need to know how DTR works
30) no answers to either - REALLY PANIC NOW
- live site and customer going to go nuts
31) discover cpanel takes daily backups of files - yey
32) find Saturday's files and set off restore
33) 23/11/10 00:06 restore errors - !!!!!!!!
34) try and restore files that reported errors
35) find that restore hung
36) raise support call for restore issue
35) discover 00:06 is when daily auto backup runs
36) need to wait 3 hours?
37) try and delete files from file manager to see if it will finish backup early
38) watch episode of voyager
39) 01:45 start restore again - works
40) look at website
41) PROBLEMS - left and right columns not in right place on all pages?
42) files or database - try editing template files???
43) then what if this is only one bit that is wrong
45) as a last ditch attempt - restore DB from step 05
46) magic - all SEEMS ok?????
47) still no answers on DTH forum or logs
48) 02:30am go to bed
49) PRAY
does anyone know a more reliable FTP client than Filezilla?