The only way to get the latest module is to download the latest DT Register package. The latest module is 2.9.1, but there is a time offset that causes issues for some users. If you are having time issues with it, then open the file:
The Upcoming Module cannot be shown more than once on a page??
I find this hard to believe, is there a workaround?
I have several categories but need to show 2 of 5 on a page, and 3 of 5 on another page.
emagin - what you are saying is not the issue brought up in this thread... but you can do the code modification mentioned above, then if you want to use the module multiple times on the same page, you should comment out this whole function..
Comment out the function that starts like:
function set_tz_by_offset($offset) {
Put a /* in front of this line.
The function ends right before the code mentioned above. After the closing }, place a */
You'll be set now. The next release of the module won't have this included. For now, comment out this code and you'll be fine.