I have just built a new site for a client and he is ready for me to train him on adding events. His business is having a seminar on November 1st, and he wants to have the booking system up and running by then.
My dilemma... the site is already setup now running version 2.6.8 but without any events yet, and I don't know whether I should go ahead and train him on adding them using the older version with JEvents, or wait... since 2.7 is due any day now (or "by the end of the month" which I read somewhere a few minutes ago). If I wait, he gets trained once and his events get added once -but will I have time to set his events up, test/troubleshoot, and train him on administering in version 2.7 before November 1st? I worry that I'm cutting it too close but I'd hate to set everything up one day in 2.6 and then find that 2.7 arrived the next day. It would be a no-brainer if the next version was a minor update, but the additions to 2.7 are BIG changes for this client...
If version 2.7 won't be ready until the last couple of days of October, then I need to just go ahead now with setting it up and training him on version 2.6.8 (or upgraded to 2.6.9, and extra step not necessary if I wait for 2.7).... and doing it all again when 2.7 comes out because of the elimination of JEvents and addition of Recurring Events (which this client needs desperately).
Any advice or assurances from the DTH folks that 2.7 will be here in the next week?
We understand your situation... we hate that 2.7 hasn't been finished yet, but we are definitely nearing the finish line. It should definitely be ready by the end of this month. Probably not much before... one week from now would be the best case scenario. Trying hard! You'll be able to migrate existing events from 2.6 into 2.7. Of course, management of the system will be a little different.
As stated in other threads over the last couple of days...
Current target is the end of this week / weekend. Somethings had to be redone so it caused more delay. Working very hard and sleeping very little. Almost done.
Thanks for the update (again, here.. didn't see the other threads sorry!)
Though I'm salivating over the 2.7 release, and the features it'll bring are important to me/my non-profit, it could probably wait a little longer if it meant you'd get more sleep. I've done the sleep deprivation thing and am not a big fan of it!