Just bought v2.6.9 about 2 hours ago.
I upgraded from 2.5.9 which ran fine!
Installation went fine, but then the problems came.
I understand I need to re-configure some settings, but that is not the problem.
It seems that 2.5.9 was better, less with errors.
Some examples:
General terms and conditions appears as one loooong string of text. It's not how I formatted it.
Captcha does not work; or rather is not accepted when you enter it. I had to disable it.
The payment field option runs way to the right over other text in my website.
There does not seem to be a confirmation displayed when a registration is finally submitted.
Not sure what I forgot, or what I will run into.
You can look at the posts I've made for the individual problems.
Possibly it's my mistake, I might have over looked some settings...
Chris, as you just made a bunch of duplicate posts, I deleted all but this one. Not necessary. Anyway... most of your issues are setup. There are MANY changes from 2.5.9 to 2.6.9... and I'm doubting you watched all the videos to get familiar with the new changes. Also, did you follow all of the upgrade instructions? Would have included re-saving configuration... re-saving all custom fields with the new parameters... re-saving each event with new field options... etc.
- There is no display problem with terms and conditions... unless it's not formatted well. I checked this on your site and it seems you just need to reformat it. Check your HTML.
- SOME people have had captcha issues due to session / cache issues in their site. We're about to release version 2.7 which adds the ability for the user to refresh the captcha image so this will no longer be an issue for anyone.
- the pay later dropdown shows wide because of the text YOU loaded. You changed the pay later options in the language file. You made one of the options (2nd one it appears) very long. Shorten that text and you'll be fine.
- you don't see the confirmation message because you have not created it. Now there are two messages... one main confirmation message plus a new "Pay Later Thank You Message"... which shows for Pay Later registrations. If you don't build that message, then nothing will show.
So no real bugs here. If you need further help, submit a ticket.
Got most issues under control now.
One thing remaining (besides the Captcha) is that I can not seem to get the General terms and conditions formatted well.
I've inserted returns after every paragraph, but it still shows as one line...