My organization is having an event with a complex pricing structure and would like to use our DT Register tool to handle the registration but I do not know how to approach creating the registration.
The registration is as follows:
There are 2 sessions a day, both limited to 10 participants and unlimited auditors.
Attendees can register for both sessions but those registrations have to be subtracted from individual session registrations. (The reverse is also true - registrations for both sessions need to be subtracted from the number of slots in each session.)
Attendees can register for an individual session at a cost of $70 for non-members and $65 for members. If they register for both sessions, the price is discounted to $130 for non-members (instead of $140) and $120 for members (instead of $130).
Auditors pay $25 for non-members and $20 per member; no discount for both session
Does anyone know if something this complex is doable with DT Register? If so, how would you do it?