Hey Guys, I am new to this component. I searched the forums before playing with it too much, too. I am trying to use the component for Karate class registration. The problem is there is no specific start date. The instruction comes in time blocks, i.g. 8 weeks, 3 months, 6 months etc. Is there a way to do this by setting a class duration in days or weeks? I apologize if it is a dumb question! Great component, worth the money even if I cannot use it for The Karate classes. Thanks
Hello. Just setup appropriate events in JEvents with a large timespan to cover all options. Then in DT Register use custom fields to show the various time block options. Based on the choices the user makes, the price can be calculated. Watch our custom fields video tutorials... particularly the one on selection fields.
You don't have to show JEvents on the frontend of your site at all, so don't worry about the dates that you use. You can also set DT Register to hide the date. With custom fields, you can certainly accomplish what you need to do here. Thanks!