I just upgraded my php to 5.2 and decided to also upgrade my DTRegister from 2.6.0 t0 2.6.7. Everything installed fine, but now when I go to the DTReg interface I get a blank page - nothing show, not even a error.
Im doing just a "bare-bones" install, no modules, etc just the component.
First, if you're upgrading, you should upgrade to the latest (2.6.9), not 2.6.7. Upgrade to 2.6.9, then do as the upgrade instructions say... re-save the configuration, then update events and fields as described in the readme file. If you still have an issue, submit a ticket.
This user was having an issue because while they had upgraded php to 5.2, they had not yet restarted apache so the new changes were not applied on the server yet. Restarted apache and all was fine