Please provide a solution to this client reported problem:
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When an event is created, the "Discounts & Fees" tab allows for the entry of a fee for an individual, plus rows of entries for groups, with discounts.
When an event is later amended, all these entry fields have gone, so we can't change the group rates etc.
This is not a bug... just how it is currently setup. The upcoming 2.7 makes massive improvements on this, but for now, that's how it is. You can still edit all group pricing levels that were initially created... you just can't add new ones. If you need to go back and add new group pricing levels, you'll have to re-create the event. You could make a copy so you don't have to redo anything else... just enter the new pricing. Again, once 2.7 is released in October, this problem will no longer exist. Thanks.