I've been noticing more and more lately that registration is creating its own registration for events.
So as i add maybe 5 events, at least two are automatically given a registrant who couldn't have possibly already registered.
However, whenever this occurs, a few weird things happen (on top of the fact that events are being created autonomously): there's never a member discount.
The price can vary from free to w/e, however it seems to use prices that i may have already used. The send registration to field is ALWAYS properly completed with our email.
With that in mind, i believe that the ghost registrations are old registrations that have been re-associated with the new event. But then again, it doesn't show that people are registered for the new event (from the old) and a couple other weird things.
I apologize if this was posted before, but every way I could think of to search for this the board told me every word I used was too common!
Well, it's not possible that new records would be created all by themselves A user record is associated with an event by an ID. I guess it's possible that you have old data in the database associated with an eventID that was previously used, removed, and somehow being used by a new event. The only way I could see this having happened is if you had previously used JEvents / DT Register for Joomla 1.0 and have since migrated. Going from JEvents 1.4.x to 1.5 often times changes the event IDs, which CAN cause some headaches. Of course, we don't hear about that type of thing hardly ever anymore as very few people still use those old versions.
Sounds like what you need to do is go into the database and manually remove any old records that have eventIDs that are no longer valid.