I have 2 separate pages with 2 different DTregister components... So I need TWO different titles for each page.
How can I do this? I already tried using Custom Modules, and it does not work because that Module shows up on all the DTregister pages...
Sorry, I did not mean 2 DTregister installations... but 2 separate pages.
I have different Categories, so I have One page for 1 of the Categories and the other for the rest of Categories.... So I need to differentiate these 2 pages with 2 different Page Titles...
I tried using Modules, but when I assign the module to one of the pages, it automatically shows for the other page... I also tried the Show Page title in menu manager... but it does not work... How can I solve this?
Well, you can obviously have a custom module to be assigned to your category menu items... so the category pages DO have unique titles. But once you leave the category page, you would lose that.