CBsubs was not working (it redirects to HTTPS when someone pays) and it was because the SSL plugin was redirecting all HTTPS pages back to HTTP. I disabled the plugin and now CBsubs can direct to HTTPS. Did I miss a step in implementing the SSL plugin?
As stated in the sticky forum post about using DT Register and SSL... use our plugin if you only need DT Register to use SSL. If you need any other components to ALSO use https, do NOT use the plugin. Instead, use the code from the forum post that you can insert into your template. Details are in the sticky post in this same forum category.
thought it was ok, but it still has a problem even with the template hack. The problem lies in that the code tells Joomla to use HTTP if the component is not dtregister or dtdonate, but I have other extensions that need to switch over to HTTPS and that code is not allowing them to do that. (CBsubs does this) I will probably just make the menu item SSL.
I am using the base Joomla htaccess.txt with no Joomla or third party SEO.
I am on the Rackspace Cloud server: normally SSL works fine. I successfully use it often with Virtuemart, etc.
When I use either the code or the plugin I get this message:
"Too many redirects occurred trying to open “
”;. This might occur if you open a page that is redirected to open another page which then is redirected to open the original page."
***************IF anyone has experience with this I AM WILLING TO PAY IMMEDIATELY VIA PAY PAL FOR HELP. WILL PAY RUSH, WEEKEND RATE. Seriously. I am in a world of hurt here to deliver by Monday 12/13.
Update to this thread. None of the DT provided code works for us, nor does the plug in. We've been testing this for more than 10 hours.
We did find one solution: In Configuration.php we removed the site url from $live_site so it now reads: var $live_site = '';
With this change we were able to Force SSL on the entire site or on a menu item only.
I look forward to working with Nathan, in a paid capacity, to resolve these issues when the DT Team's schedule becomes available.
I believe we have uncovered a real problem here. We've had 4 talented folks working on this. Perhaps we've overlooked something; it's always possible, but right now I would say this is an issue that needs to be resolved.