Hi, I'm trying to get my first event live, but I appear to be stuck in test mode. Authorize.net has confirmed that I'm ready to process live transactions, and I've changed the pull downs from 'Test' to 'Live' on the payment tabs for both the event and the main configuration. However,my confirmation emails still indicate that I'm in test mode. Is there a step I'm missing?
You must be mixed up on where to make the payment option changes. There are two locations:
1) The main configuration area has a Payments tab where you setup the global payment options that apply to all of your events.
2) In the setup of each event, there is also a payments tab, allowing you to provide custom payment options per event. There is a parameter on this tab with the options of Global or Unique. If set to the default Global, then that means this event will use the settings from the main payment configuration... so nothing you set inside of the event payment tab will actually be used. If you need something different for this event, set that parameter to "Unique"... then your settings there will be applied.
So, I assume you set authorize.net to LIVE in the event, but settings are being pulled from the global options. Just go to the appropriate location and setup as needed.