So for my events, if you look at the JEvents Description page, at the bottom, DT Register places 2 buttons... the "View All Events" & "Register Now". These buttons do not funtion until after you have registered.
I want users to be able to use the "Quick User Registration" method at all areas of the event, when registering and if you access the event through the "Register Event area" then it will take you to the Registration page with the username & password creation ability.
Although if you Click on the buttons "View all events" or Register now, it requires you to register instead of allowing you to sign up for the event & use the quick user registration method.
I'm not sure if my explantaion is very well.... so please take a look at these links to see what I mean. Basically I want Quick Registration at all occurances of events.
Here is the JEvents Event description page WITH DT Registers bottom buttons-"View all events" & "Register now"... as you can tell when you click on either you are then required to login( or register)... instead I want the "Register" button to go directly to Registration page with quick user registration:
This page links correctly to the Event register page with quick user registration:
[so on this page- if you click on Diabetes(for example) it takes you directly to the event registration page where you can quickly register your username name well]
THIS is the page I essentially want the "register now" button in Jevents to access
And someone view "All Events" without having to be logged in??? Or can I simply diable this button?