Hi I'm using Joomla 1.5.18.
When I try to install the component I get a successfull install, but also this error message:
XML Parsing Error at 1:1. Error 4: Not well-formed (invalid token)
Now when I try to view the lists in frontend, I get another error message:
Table 'kunnskapsbygging.jos_jevents_vevdetail' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT DISTINCT(a.evdet_id), c.*,a.*,b.cut_off_date,b.event_describe,b.event_describe_set,b.category,b.registerAmountIndividual, waiting_list , article_id , detail_link_show , b.show_registrant , if(b.startdate > '2010-07-09' and b.startdate is not null,'y','n') as future_event ,b.location_id , b.max_registrations FROM jos_jevents_vevdetail as a inner join jos_dtregister_group_event as b on a.evdet_id = b.eventId left join jos_dtregister_categories as c on c.categoryId = b.category left join jos_dtregister_locations as l on l.id = b.location_id WHERE a.dtend >= '1278678091' AND a.state=1 and b.publish=1 and a.dtstart >= 1262300400 and a.dtstart < 1293836400 GROUP BY a.evdet_id ORDER BY c.ordering, b.ordering ASC