The last update had a great feature which allows users to register to the website while registering for an event. We just had a problem with one customer who registered for the site and then could not finish his event registration because the site told him his user name was already taken. That makes sense since he just created it before hand but it makes for a confusing UI experience. This was complicated by us setting creating a user name and password as required due to concern of some users not doing so then having trouble modifying their registration later.
Is it possible to hide the username/password functionality if the registrant is already logged in to the site? Is there another work around other than setting username/password to not required ?
If the user is logged in, the fields to create a username and password will NOT be shown. Just because your user already created an account does not mean that they were logged in. You may need to add a note above the registration form that says something like "If you already have a user account, please login before registering for this event."