I use Dt Register with great satisfaction but I don't understand what happens when I upgrade dt register from 2.6.4b to 2.6.7b .
The next button don't work and I noticed that the terms and conditions page will not open in the usual small window but opens in a new page without formatting.
I haven't custom fields in date format and in any case I resave all the custom fields
I tried to erase everything and start from scratch. With an empty installation dt register works but when I insert the data (new events, custom fields etc) takes the same problem.
Where am I doing wrong?
Jevents 1.5.4
Joomla 1.5.18
mysql 5.1.40
php 5.2.13
Hello everyone,
I found the cause of the problem.
I use the Italian translation and in file IT.com_dtregister.ini there is a space after the equals sign in line 644.
I attach the correct file.
Rendering Error in layout Attachment/Item: Property "protected" is not defined. Please enable debug mode for more information.
I am having the same problem. After I installed the new update, the next button does not work.
DTHADMIN - Can you please advice?...this is my busy time of year and people are unable to register...I also have two other issues that are on the forum.
Dear all,
I 'm not a software programmer and I don't know if what I say is correct or not but......
I noticed that the problem you are speaking about is probably inside the "it-IT.com_dtregister" file contained in the Language folder. You can reach it following this path:
DTRegister2_6_7_UNZIP> joomla15x> com_dtregister2_6_7b_J15.zip> language.
I opened the file with notepad and tried "= " (equals sign plus one space).
Then I deleted the unseless space and, surprisingly, the "next button" re-started working properly.
The unnecessary spaces are also present in Spanish and Arabic language files inside com_dtregister2_6_7d_J15.zip.
I've never actually heard of the extra space in the language file being an issue. Doubt that was your only issue as no other Italian language file user has seemingly had an issue. Besides, even if the language file WAS an issue... it wouldn't matter if you aren't using that language file.
Anyway, known causes of a next button issue would usually be:
1) 3rd party SEF component. You must set the component to "skip" DT Register so it doesn't try to apply SEF to the various links within the registration process.
2) Installing and enabling our JomSocial plugins without actually having JomSocial installed will cause this.
3) Java conflict with your template or another extension.
4) Incorrectly setup custom selection fields. Not setting up the selection limits and values correctly can sometimes cause a java error, then breaking the form.
There could possibly be other issues, but these are the most common causes of an issue like this. If you can't sort it out, submit a support ticket because we can only make guesses in the forum on an issue like this.