I am using DTH version 2.6.7 and Joomla! version 1.5.18. The start times for events are showing correctly (as I entered) in JEvents, but are all 2 hours earlier in DTRegister in the Administation Events screen, the display all events screen, and in the acknowledgement emails.
Interesting update: When I set the time to "Hide" instead of "Start Time Only" in the configuration for the event listing, it eliminated the time from the email also, but on the Events screen, the time now shows as 1 hour early.
temills wrote: I am using DTH version 2.6.7 and Joomla! version 1.5.18. The start times for events are showing correctly (as I entered) in JEvents, but are all 2 hours earlier in DTRegister in the Administation Events screen, the display all events screen, and in the acknowledgement emails.
Interesting update: When I set the time to "Hide" instead of "Start Time Only" in the configuration for the event listing, it eliminated the time from the email also, but on the Events screen, the time now shows as 1 hour early.
Was there any resolution to your problem? I'm having the same issue!!!
hmmm... well, I've asked him to look at the problem through a ticket...I will update you. My DTReg Times and JEvent Times are not matching currently...
pakers has updated to the latest package and all if fine now.
temills - you could very likely have an issue with between your timezone setting in the Joomla config and/or the timezone setting in JEvents. Most likely, that is where your problem is. Regardless, you should update if you haven't already.