I have upgraded from 2.6.2 to 2.6.7 and started to get calls from members with mac's who were not able to get on and register?
I signed on with a test account using 'Safari on a PC/Vista' and was able to sign up but :
*I got a confirm # 1 on the screen after registering ,
* I got an email as a member that I need to send the check and record confirmation #1 on the check,
* As the admin I got a notice that a member with confirm #1 signed up,
* there is no record for this reservation in the admin/records or in the "attendee/frontend.
*on the events detail/ frontend it says 28 registrants but on the list you can only count 27???
*the test account attendee is not able to re register for the event (so I guess it recognizes that that member is registered)
*****what am I doing wrong?