A client who was recently registering for multiple classes noticed that after putting in their credit card number on the first order, this number would autopopulate on later orders. They feel that this is a serious security problem. Is there a way to set this field to not autopopulate?
I am only using Authoriize.net as a payment option.
This is not a DT Register issue. DT Reg doesn't store the user's credit card number. Many browsers and browser plugins will remember what you enter into form fields and attempt to auto-populate them.
In dt reg, the only way to save credit card info is if you are using Community Builder integration and then set "Save Payment Info" to YES. Then users will have a checkbox giving them the OPTION to save data. Unless you are using that, then this is 100% a browser or plugin issue outside of Joomla.
After a little research, I found banks use autocomplete="off" in the input html so that credit card numbers do not autofill. Is it possible for me to add this to somewhere to give it a try?