I have two custom fields.
The first is a conditional dropdown field that asks a question to which there is one of two answers...Y/N.
The second is a text field that, if the answer is Y in the conditional, then it 'appears'.
I want to be able to limit the number of characters that this field will accept.
I have the 'Maximum Length' field set to 3 (doesn't really matter what number i put here) in the text field which has no effect?! ie I can type 'forever' in the frontend of this box and the text box continues to fill 'ad infinitum'?
Hello Nathan and DTReg community,
Just thought I'd revisit this issue to see if there are others who may have or are experiencing this.
I had a number of fields setup for my event but had a problem with a custom text field that, no matter how many characters I tried to limit the input to, would have no effect. As a test, I unpublished all but the text field, but on the front end I still can type as many characters as I like in this box? i.e. the maximum characters set appears to have no effect?