Any thoughts as to why it was working with SEF "on" in Global Config and now after adding events and updating the custom field the form will not submit??
I added more options in the field and changed the custom field selection limit.??
Also... why would my events not be showing up at the correct times that match what's in JEvents???
Not sure exactly what the problem is on Techson's site. It is incorrect that DT Register doesn't work with SEF. Of the thousands of people using it, trust me... most are using SEF So, that is not the problem... at least not by itself. For Techson's site, it is an intermittent issue... most of the time when we test, it works fine. Other times not. There are some java issues in the site coming from outside of DT Register. Need to track them all down.
pakers - responded to your ticket. ALL of your custom fields were setup incorrectly... and your problem is not the NEXT button. As stated in the ticket, upgrade and see if your issue remains.
I am no expert but I was having this same problem and it was Sh404 causing it. I made sure Sh404 skipped DT Register, but ALSO purged all the URLs. My site is still on a development server so it was easy to purge them all. If you are on a live server you make have to go through and delete the cached urls one by one.
Thanks richwest.
That's what I had to do as well to get my site and my events working again. I actually disabled sh404 for now because I just got so frustrated with it.
There is definitely some issues there despite being told there isn't.