I've set up DT Register V2.6.3 with PayPal Payment. Paypal mode is 'Live' in the DTRegister settings and IPN is enabled with my website URL.
I've set up an event and had the first registrations coming in. The paypal payment is working fine (i.e., the transactions on Paypal are completed) but apparently DT Register doesn't seem to reveive the IPN message from Paypal. Consequently, the registrants don't get an email confirmation and don't show up as a Record in DT Register.
I checked Profile -> IPN Preferences -> IPN History Page on Payapl and it indeed shows all transactions but tells me PayPal is 'Retrying' to send the IPN messages.
Any suggestions where the problem could sit and what I can do?
First, you really need to upgrade DT Register. Always be sure to use the latest package.
Second, besides having IPN enabled, you need to have Auto-Return turned OFF. After making payment, are you automatically returned to the joomla site? If so, that is your problem. Auto return messes up IPN.
Also, check permissions. The /components/com_dtregister/ directory must be 755 and files inside 644. Also the /components directory should be 755.
dthadmin wrote: Second, besides having IPN enabled, you need to have Auto-Return turned OFF. After making payment, are you automatically returned to the joomla site? If so, that is your problem. Auto return messes up IPN.
Also, check permissions. The /components/com_dtregister/ directory must be 755 and files inside 644. Also the /components directory should be 755.
I also have the problem that event registrants donĀ“t get a confirmation email from us after they pay with PayPal.
I checked with my PayPal setting, IPN is enabled, Auto-Return is OFF.
Can anyone help me understand where I should check the permissions, as quoted above? Can you guide me though the path to the directory mentioned above? thanks!
fotomarathon -
If your PayPal account is a personal one, then you will also have a radio button selection to enable IPN messages. Make sure that is also enabled.
The message you quoted says exactly what directory to look at for permissions. That is starting at the root of your joomla site. Like this:
hi, thanks!
my paypal account is not a personal one, is is registered to the non profit organization I run, I cannot find the radio button you mention. I cheked, and IPN messages are enabled.
Does this control whether my participants receive a notification from us after they paid their fee?