Running latest version of DT Register 2.6.5 on J1.15.16 - after installation, the google maps do not work. I tried getting another key but that did not work. The lightbox opens up and just says "Request unsuccessful".
Any ideas as to what is wrong?
Probably wrong permissions. Make sure /components/com_dtregister is 755 and files inside are 644. Also the /components directory should be 755. If you need help with permissions, contact your host.
All permissions are correct. Is there a difference for google map key if site goes secure? The most recent key was for the https:// page as dt register automatically kicks into ssl mode. Might this have something to do with it? Although it has not worked either way.
Okay. I did not do anything other than create a new test registrant and now the google maps are working. Perhaps it was an issue at google maps on not here. This is SOLVED but I had nothing to do with it! Thank you for you help.