Hi, just upgraded to the latest version 2.6.4d using Jevents 1.5.2 on Joomla 1.5.15.
I am having this issue of registrations not showing up.
The paypal payment is going through but there is no record showing in the backend admin records and the email notification not being sent to admin or registrant.
If this is happening, it is due to one of the following:
1) IPN must be enabled in the paypal account
2) Auto-return must be OFF in the paypal account
3) Permissions for /components/com_dtregister must be 755 and files inside 644. Also directories above /com_dtregister must also be 755.
If you can't find the reason, try registering using Pay Later and see if that works. If not, then you have an issue beyond PayPal.
Thank you - pay later is working fine so went through the possible things you suggested .
It seems I didn't have IPN enabled in Paypal so hope thats all it was. I have now set IPN to enabled and a given it a link back to the website default address.
Thanks very much for pointing me in the right direction