after installing the component, there is a error message:
Table 'deb14093n3_9Ll3r.8pmc_jevents_vevdetail' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT count(*) FROM 8pmc_dtregister_group_event a INNER JOIN 8pmc_jevents_vevdetail b ON a.eventid = b.evdet_id LEFT JOIN 8pmc_dtregister_categories c ON a.category = c.categoryId ORDER BY c.ordering ,a.eventId , a.ordering ASC , b.dtstart ASCDB function failed with error number 1146
Table 'deb14093n3_9Ll3r.8pmc_jevents_vevdetail' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT a. * , b.summary, b.dtstart, b.dtend FROM 8pmc_dtregister_group_event a INNER JOIN 8pmc_jevents_vevdetail b ON a.eventid = b.evdet_id LEFT JOIN 8pmc_dtregister_categories c ON a.category = c.categoryId order by c.ordering , a.ordering ASC
Does anyone have a solution to fix this?
Thanks in advance.
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The Dutch translation should have been loaded automatically but I see that we didn't update the install file... we actually just added Dutch to the package yesterday. For now, please extract the install package to see all of the files. You'll find a "language" folder. Inside will be the frontend translation nl-NL.com_dtregister.ini. Manually load this file on your site to: