I just had an event max out so I enabled the waiting list feature to help me gauge how many people would actually register but there are a few problems.
The first, when the event if full and I enable the waiting list, when a user visits the event list pages it button icon says "FULL" and does not indicate that there is a waiting list to sign up for. How can this be changed?
Second: When someone does fill out the info for waiting list, they get a confirmation and I get an email but when I go to the admin section and check the wait list section - its empty. So naturally I went directly to the database to see what was going on and `jos_dtregister_waiting` is empty even after I submitted a few test waiting list users.
I have had nearly a thousand people sign up for this upcoming webinar that are on the waiting list and I have no way of knowing who they are. If their data is not found in the jos_dtregister_waiting table, where can I find it and how can I access this info?
Have you opened a ticket for this? Waiting list is also not storing the records for me, althought the page says successful and no error message appears, nothing is on the waiting list admin tab and no records in the database.
Yes I have, I gave them access to my site last night so hopefully they'll be looking into this issue today. Ill let you know what they say when they get it fixed.
We found the problem. There was a missing field in the jos_dtregister_waiting database table. This would have only affected people with newer installs of DT Register. Regardless, we have just updated the download package including a fix for this. If your waiting list is not working, download the package and reinstall the DT Reg component. The database table should be updated so the waiting list form will work properly. Thanks.