I have just installed the DT Register and until the end said everything is ok with the installation, as on the installation video tutorial.
But as far as I go to the Component through the Component menu it give me error:
Table 'transond_jo154.jos_jevents_vevdetail' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT count(*) FROM jos_dtregister_group_event a INNER JOIN jos_jevents_vevdetail b ON a.eventid = b.evdet_id LEFT JOIN jos_dtregister_categories c ON a.category = c.categoryId ORDER BY c.ordering ,a.eventId , a.ordering ASC , b.dtstart ASCDB function failed with error number 1146
Table 'transond_jo154.jos_jevents_vevdetail' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT a. * , b.summary, b.dtstart, b.dtend FROM jos_dtregister_group_event a INNER JOIN jos_jevents_vevdetail b ON a.eventid = b.evdet_id and a.archive=0 LEFT JOIN jos_dtregister_categories c ON a.category = c.categoryId order by c.ordering , a.ordering ASC LIMIT 0, 20
Thank you for your fast help!
Hello. This is because you missed a big detail of instructions... you need to have JEvents 1.5.x installed. Either you have not yet installed it, or you didn't complete the install. After installing it, the database tables are not immediately created. You have to go to JEvents -> Configuration and SAVE. Then database tables will be setup.