When creating a page for you registration you now have the option to select individual categories to be displayed. This is great! My only problem is I need to add ten categories to be displayed on the page. The menu options only allow you to add 6 categories. I am currently running Joomla 1.5 with and the most current version DT Register 2.6.4. I tried placing all of the categories under a parent category hoping when I selected the parent category it would display all of the subcategory, this did not work. The only thing that did work is when I enabled the category filter and then selected the parent category, it would then show all 10 of the sub category.
Is there a way through url manipulation or other means that I can extend the category selection beyond DT Registers 6 categories limitation? Thanks
Do not use the URL menu item as stated previously. In more recent versions of DT Register, just select the Category menu option and you'll find 12 category dropdowns to select your categories. Adding them manually to the url as previously stated is not going to work for you... besides... manual creation is no longer necessary.
Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately that is what I had already done, which is what created the URL. I selected 8 from the drop down menus but I'm only seeing 6.