Is there anyway to display on the event listing page, the time zone that the events is setup for.
For example, if I want to attend a webinar in California at 7:00PM but Im in New York. How will I know what time zone the event is set up for from the event listing page?
I didn't find that feature in the latest version.
Maybe its something that will build in later versions.
You have to check with the developer about this
We're about to release a new update within the next couple of days. Once that release is done, the next big thing we are working on is to make JEvents OPTIONAL. There will be the ability to create the event name, date and time in DT Register completely. When we do that, we'll add a parameter for time zone. You probably have 1-2 months before this will be available.
For now, I'd suggest using the description area below the event name to specify your time zone. You can also mention it in the text above the registration form... the thank you message... the confirmation email... etc. Thanks!