Internet Explorer does not show the box in front of "do you accept our terms and conditions". Firefox does.
When people click on next in internet explorer the component keeps telling them to accept the terms and conditions but the box isnt visible for them to tick and accept the terms..
this only happens with internet explorer, is this a problem on your end because of your component or on my end because of my template?
This would definitely be caused by your template. DT Register is setup to using the form field styling of your template. Your template is probably trying to load some type of effect on the checkbox with javascript and IE doesn't like it. If you loaded a different template, you could see the terms checkbox showing just fine. You'll need to address this in your template.
I have the same problem... but I see the check box and can click in in IE with no problem. But when I hit NEXT, I get the popup that says I have to accept the terms.
Quazarr - what version of DT Register are you running? If not the latest, then upgrade. Latest at this time is 2.6.4c. If you do have the latest and still have an issue, it is most likely due to something in your template, but you can submit a ticket and we'll check it out.