I was wondering how easy it'd be to create an additional Pay Later field? I've customized the "Pay at the Door" bit to say "Pay at the Field" for my purposes, but now I'm using DTRegister to create a sort of "15 Session Pass" bit where they buy bulk sessions and get a discount on the going rate. However when they register for sessions, they currently just have to use "Pay at the Field". I tried adding a variable in the two language files (the .ini files) and reloaded my webpage but it didn't take. I kinda figured it wouldn't because what I did was really just cosmetic and didn't hook into any code. I'm wondering though -- is it much more than that? I don't really need any processing done on the field. I just want a new "Pay at the Door" category to help organize how people are paying for their sessions via DTRegister.
ps. Here's what I have in the language file:
DT_PAY_USING_PASS=Pay Using S4s Session Pass
My suggestion is to add a way to customize the "pay later" option.
For example, in my case, I would appreciate to have a chance for people to pay via Bank Transfer. i live in germany, and this is pretty standard here. Most people pay their bills via bank transfer -and only 1/3 of all internet users pay with paypal.
Many people donĀ“t trust using credit cards -especially after millions of them were "hijacked" in the last few months, and many banks had to go out and replace millions of credit cards!
So, my suggestion.
Pay Later option_ customize to include "pay via bank transfer"