Just to keep in topic with a paypal problem.Having looked through all the posts in the forum i am having trouble with the paypal payment.
I register an event and click through the motions and eventually arrive in the paypals payment screen,all the data has been carried over as expected,address,cost details and so on.I then proceed to place credit card details and press to continue and make the payment but only to be meet with a card/details error,paypal cannot proceed due to forementioned error.
Having checked details time and time again same error.I can click on the link in the paypal screen and i am directed back to website with message saying no transaction and cancelled ect.
I have tried two different cards known to work because made purchases on them before and after paypal rejections.
Things i have done allready in paypal profile as advised by other post's:
1.made sure ipn is enabled
2.turned off URL auto redirect
3.Made sure currency is accepted in paypal
Does anyone have any other ideas i might check,the payment side is really the only thing stopping my progress.
I am using dt register 2.6.5