When viewing the category management page I see this error:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/pathtofile/public_html/administrator/components/com_dtregister/admin.dtregister.html.php on line 3761
When I create a new category, it goes away, but I am unable to select/create a parent category. In the parent category dropdown the only option is >SELECT PARENT CATEGORY.
If all you see in the dropdown is "Select a Parent Category", then there is no eligible category existing to make the parent category. There must be another category already existing... and that category can not be a subcategory. It only goes two levels, so if Category X is already a subcategory of Main Category, then Category X will be able to be selected as the parent category of another new category.
Ah, ok. That makes sense. What I don't understand is why that error shows up when no categories have been created. It reappears when all categories are deleted. I'm using the latest version of DT Register and Joomla 1.5.15
That is not an error... but a php "notice". We have addressed it and will be releasing an updated package probably tomorrow with this and a few other fixes.