The (*=Required Field) instruction is on the member signup pages don't actually require it. Is it possible to remove this verbiage on pages that don't require it OR can it be removed somewhere in the PHP file? Thanks in advance!
I found it! To help any others that are looking to remove this from ONLY the Member registration page, it can be found in the dtregister.php file around line 12831...
FYI to remove the red asterisk (*) on required fields
You can simply make it white in the main.css
.required {
color: white;
color: red;
color: white;
You can delete/modify the asterisk (*) in dtregister.php to any other symbol/character you choose. (If you delete it, make sure to also delete the equal sign (=)
<span class="required">*</span> =
<span class="required">{any character you want}</span> =
You can delete/modify the text "required field" in the en-GB.com_dtregister.ini file.