creating menu link to registration page
14 years 11 months ago #5739
Topic Author
is it possible to create internal component menu links to an event's registration page. I only see where you can create a link to the component but not to individual events.
By doing this, I'd be able to publish a unique custom modules to that appear with each registration page. Example: I have 3 events and each event I have a unique venue image. I'd like to place a thumbnail of the venue image so, as you register, you can click it, it enlarges using lightbox effect so they see the seating layout, then they shrink it down to choose their seat and complete registration.
I type all that to ask if there's a way to create an internal menu link to individual events?
Just copy the links from the main component event listing... then paste those links into your modules. You can create menu items for them if you want, but it's not necessary unless you need to assign different modules/templates to display based on the event. Thanks.