I'm sure this is something in my joomla template, but I'm not sure what to change. When I do a custom field as a text box or text area, I don't get borders around the input field. Anybody know where to enable borders in my template css for those fields?
We have realized that the custom fields did not have the styling name given as the default fields do. Generally, the form fields share the styling as set in your site's template. As the custom fields did not have that, they were left out. Something else in your site must have removed the borders on them. Anyway... we have corrected this and updated the DT Register 2.5.9 package. You can download it from My Orders. Either do a reinstall or just manually replace the file:
A reinstall is always safer so you make sure you have the latest version of ALL files, not just one.
To modify the styling, look in the CSS files for your template and search for ".inputbox" (without the quotes). All of the DT Register form fields will use this (including custom fields now). Modify that styling if you need or want to.