I see my hosting company is running PHP Version 4.3.10
According to JEvents, the requirements for JEvents 1.5 is:
* Joomla 1.5.9+
* PHP 5 - JEvents 1.5 will not run in PHP4.
Question: Can I run the latest DT Register version 2.5.2 with JEvents 1.4.3 or will I have a lot of problems?
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Which JEvents version to use...
15 years 7 months ago #4343
WaldoMinny - you can NOT use JEvents 1.4.x with DT Register 2.5.x. From JEvents 1.4 to 1.5 they did a complete restructuring of files and database tables so they are completely different and not interchangeable.
You should ask your host if they can upgrade your account to php5. Still using php4 is a bit ridiculous as it is very outdated. Support for php4 is quickly disappearing from everywhere. Php5 is not new and any host should have upgraded by now in my opinion. If they are unwilling to upgrade, personally I would be finding a new host.
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Which JEvents version to use...
15 years 7 months ago #4347