As DT Register works in conjunction with the JEvents calendar component, it is important that you use the correct version. The most stable version to use is 1.4.3, which works in Joomla 1.0 and 1.5 legacy. There is a 1.5 alpha series with works in Joomla 1.5 native, but is still buggy. If you are using this series, you must use \"legacy events\" and not the newer \"iCal events\" inside of the JEvents component. You can use up to 1.5 alpha 2.
Now, JEvents has just released a 1.5 alpha 3. As of that release, they have completely changed the database structure of the component. So, the current versions of DT Register do not work with JEvents 1.5 alpha 3. We will incorporate the new database structure of JEvents 1.5 into the 1.5 native version of DT Register which is still in progress.
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Which JEvents version to use...
15 years 11 months ago #3356
DO you know how long it will be before you have DT Register updated to work with JEvents1.5alpha3? I really want to use DT Register, but I have JEvents 1.5alpha3 and CB 1.2.
DO you foresee a new version in the next couple of weeks or should I have to go back and uninstall everything and use older version?
I\'m a newbie with this so I apologize for seeming clueless.
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Which JEvents version to use...
15 years 10 months ago #3467
jevents 1.5alpha3 has been released and therefore finding jevents 1.5alpha2 has been very difficult. I did finally find it so if anyone actually needs it, here is the link:
Which JEvents version to use...
15 years 10 months ago #3638
DT Register should really focus on moving away from jEvents. I used to use it back in the Mambo days but it really hasnt progressed much in the last few years, development is slow, it is a complicated and messy component in my opinion.
eventlist has pretty much taken over as the leading event component and has been joomla 1.5 native now for a year and half or something.
My suggestion would be to include whatever event/calendar code that is required into the core of DT Register or change to support EventList.
You need to look long term and i dont think long term there is much happening with jevents.
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Which JEvents version to use...
15 years 9 months ago #3812