I just installed DT register and everything seemed to install fine.
Going through the tabs, I realized that I have an error under events management and cannot add any events..
Here is the error I am receiving-
Table \'d60555028.jos_events\' doesn\'t exist SQL=SELECT count(*) from jos_dtregister_group_event a INNER JOIN jos_events b ON a.eventid = b.id LEFT JOIN jos_dtregister_categories c ON a.category = c.categoryId order by c.ordering ,a.eventId , a.ordering asc , publish_up ascDB function failed with error number 1146
Table \'d60555028.jos_events\' doesn\'t exist SQL=SELECT a. * , b.title, b.publish_up FROM jos_dtregister_group_event a INNER JOIN jos_events b ON a.eventid = b.id LEFT JOIN jos_dtregister_categories c ON a.category = c.categoryId order by c.ordering , a.ordering asc , publish_up asc LIMIT 0, 10
Well Pablo... you have overlooked a detail here that you need to have the JEvents component installed as well. Links are provided when you install DT Register, on the Events management page, our site... that link is: