Before upgrading to the most recent DT Register, the CB integration was fine, pre-filling fields as expected. After th upgrade, that has changed. I read as one of the improvements that DT register now uses the default CB field format of cb_whatever. My installation is old enough that not all my fields start with cb_. Can you point to where those fields can be changed back to my default?
On another CB integration note, I\'m wondering how to custom fields to be populated with CB information?
Yes, that change was made. The easiest thing for you to do would be to go into your database and change the names of those CB fields to include the cb_ on the front. If you need further assistance with this, let us know.
Currently there is no method of assigning custom fields to CB profile fields. We have improvements like this that we intend on adding, but that is not presently there. Thanks.
I\'m not sure renaming fields is a great idea, either. Back when CB made the change to create fieldnames that stared with cb_ by default, I made an effort to change all my old ones for consistencey. I quickly realized there was more to it than just renaming the fields- I would have to actually recreate the columns. It\'s better to create them on the frontend rather than with SQL in the database because of other things CB does when they are made. So the whole project became a pain.
I hunted up the location of the cb_fields that needed to be changed to make my integration work again. If anyone else needs to find them, they are located in the table that structures the registration form. That\'s lines 3106-3234 in dtregister.php (version 2.3.2).
It was a matter of removing the \"cb_\" from the field name. I wonder if it might be worth putting these in a language file in the future instead of hardcoding them? That would provide a solution for folks who might rename those fields as well...
Thanks for this, I\'ve been through the file and modified it and it now picks up the Community Builder information.
All except for \"Country\" - can anyone tell me what code I should replace the current country drop down list with, so that it picks up this information from Community Builder, please?
Only registered users on my site will be able to register for events, so I\'d rather pre-populate as much as I can.