Ok, I installed the 2.3.2 and hit another ODBC connect bug. The reason is that the code still has mysql_query() statements in it..
The following files have these:
dtregister.php (function billingInfo, this one got me)
I fixed that using the same method used for the other mysql_query() statements.
The second bug, I don\'t have time to chase down and fix but I DO need a fix (all this is on the admin side).
The individual and group registrations are working as expected now. When you go to view registered users, the individuals show fine.
The bug comes in when you have a group of registrants and you click the x Members (the link which shows a group count and you can click to view the registrants) link.
The page your taken to (showmembers function) does not display the group members. I checked the SQL (as you will see in the pic) and the query does return a result but the group regisrants names aren\'t showing.