Thank you for this new version and all of the hard work that has gone into it.
I have a couple of items that aren\'t working:
1. For some reason, events with a price are being treated as free- that is, no payment option is being presented in order to register for an event. The calculations at the top are \"Registration Fee: 2 x $0.00 = $0.00\"
There is a Group Rate and a Rate Per person assigned to the event. (Was working with last version.)
2. When a user registers for an event (on Jan 16, 2009 for example), there is a header that says \"Registration (Nov 10, 2008)\"- should the date be the date of the event? I can see people getting confused especially since there aren\'t any details regarding the event on any of the registration pages. As a suggestion, it may be good to see the event name and the date of the event on these pages.
3. In the admin section, under \"Category Manager\", when I click the \"new\" button, nothing happens.
I had the same problems with category and eventually my site crashed and I could no longer log in (probably nothing to do with DTregister I hasten to add!). I have now loaded Joomla 1 and re-loaded dt-register and everything seems to work fine including creating categories.
Not a problem for me as everything I was running had to be in legacy mode anyway and I was only testing as I won\'t be going live until next year.
Just thought it might help to know the problem may be in Joomla 1.5 only.
achristopher - if you will submit a support ticket with admin access to your site, we\'ll check these things out for you.
Regarding the category creation issue... that was a bug found for 1.5, but it has already been fixed. Download the 2.3 package again, extract the files and manually upload admin.dtregister.html.php to: