We just recently upgraded to the latest version of DT Register. My client just went in to create an event, and at some point in the process something got messed up. When we go to the Events tab all we see is this:
Table './(USER LOGIN NAME)/jos_jevents_vevdetail' is marked as crashed and should be repaired SQL=SELECT count(*) FROM jos_dtregister_group_event a INNER JOIN jos_jevents_vevdetail b ON a.eventid = b.evdet_id LEFT JOIN jos_dtregister_categories c ON a.category = c.categoryId ORDER BY c.ordering ,a.eventId , a.ordering ASC , b.dtstart ASCDB function failed with error number 145
Table './(USER LOGIN NAME)/jos_jevents_vevdetail' is marked as crashed and should be repaired SQL=SELECT a. * , b.summary, b.dtstart, b.dtend FROM jos_dtregister_group_event a INNER JOIN jos_jevents_vevdetail b ON a.eventid = b.evdet_id and a.archive=0 LEFT JOIN jos_dtregister_categories c ON a.category = c.categoryId order by c.ordering , a.ordering ASC LIMIT 0, 20
I'm wondering what I can do to fix this? Ideally, we'd like to save the information from prior events.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling DT Register, and that helped partially. I no longer get the error message, and prior events are showing up.
However, the names of the prior events are missing, and I can't add the name to prior events in the event editor screen. The field is inactive.
More importantly, when I try to create a new event, the event creation screen freezes after a bit. It won't let me edit dates, and then the pull down menus freeze.
This error is related to a JEvents database table... so that table actually has nothing to do with DT Register in the sense that DT Register never modifies it. It only reads FROM it IF you are syncing with JEvents.
My first question is do you have JEvents installed? My thought is that you had JEvents, were syncing with it (which is optional), but have not removed it without first running our unsync tool. Now DT Register events are still trying to connect to JEvents which is where it would have pulled the event name and dates from. It would appear that this info is now missing or that table has actually crashed for some reason.
Let me know your status with JEvents and we'll point you in the right direction from here.
Yes, I had an older version of JEvents installed, but didn't update it or modify it when I updated DT Register. This afternoon, I thought perhaps an update of JEvents would fix the issue, but that didn't change anything.
As an additional issue (not sure if this is related), but the names of the event registrants from the 2010 and 2011 convention are missing from the records lists as well.
Thanks again! My client is anxious to get the 2012 conference registrations going so I'm doing my best to get this fixed. I really appreciate the help.
This is definitely a setup/upgrade problem. Your older events were clearly setup as a sync with JEvents. As that data is not available, it can't pull the event title and dates in.
My bet is that you upgraded DT Register without following all of the instructions and skipped a couple of steps along the way. To know what your exact status is... what version of JEvents were you previously using? What version of DT Register did you upgrade FROM?
Do you have a backup of your database prior to these attempted upgrades?
When having your DT events synced with JEvents, you can't just walk away from that. You'll have to do a proper unsyncing so DT Reg will work completely on its own and not need any data from the other calendar.
Thanks again. It had been a while since I'd worked on that site, and I'm sure that it slipped my mind that DT Register was synced with JEvents.
Previous version of JEvents was 1.5.x (not sure of the exact ending)
Previous version of DT Register was from Aug 2010 (so perhaps 2.5.x?)
I upgraded Joomla, then Community Builder, then CB Subs, then DT Register.
It wasn't until yesterday that I updated the JEvents, when I realized that it was connected to DT Register, but this was after the problem presented itself.
I have full backups before I started the upgrade process, as well as right before I started upgrading DT Register.
A couple of quick questions that might help...
• If we don't need the data/information from the prior events, would it be easier to delete the old databases for DT Register and JEvents and install fresh? (We do however, need all the information in CB Subs and the membership database.)
• I'm a little rusty on why I installed and synced JEvents with DT Register in the first place, but from your comments now it sounds like this is something that isn't done as often now? Have features been added to DT Register that make syncing it with JEvents redundant?