Since updating to 2.7.18
we've not been receiving new registration notifications.
For pay later registrations the records are created, but no notification received.
For paypal, the payment is received but no record is created.
I triple checked the email addresses and the paypal IPN settings. All were fine.
I read in an earlier thread that the IPN could be manually resubmitted, but I don' see instruction anywhere on how to do this.
If this is happening, it is a setup problem... and has nothing to do with the 2.7.18 update. Check:
- IPN must be enabled along with sending of IPN messages
- Auto-Return must be OFF in PayPal
- Permissions must be correct on your site from the top level /components directory on down... 755 folders and 644 files.
Once you figure out where your setting issue lies... you can try resubmitting the IPN items. Contact PayPal for help with that.
Has to be setup related somewhere. Does your website currently require a login to access it? Meaning is it offline? If so, IPN will fail. I assume this is a possibility as you are in the process of upgrading things.
If that's not it, submit a ticket please so we can take a look. In the ticket, include a screenshot of your paypal settings showing each of the items we noted here.