If I repeat an event, its set to add registation to ALL those events.
What do I do if its just one event that needs registration for but it happens on multiple days?
One Event registration = Every Thursday for three thursdays in a row.
Not three individual events on three thursdays where poeple can register for each one. They should only be able to register for it ONCE and attend all three thursdays.
Repeating events currently creates each repeat as a separate event. We do have plans to make an option to setup ONE event with multiple separate dates, but that's not available yet. What most people do in that situation (if a calendar display is needed) is create two versions of the event, one for calendar display (the repeating event) and one for actual registration. Set the registration open date of the repeating event to the future so registration is never available. Put this event in a category used only for calendar view. Set the calendar to display only that one category. Create a non-repeating event (just spanning the full set of dates) to use for actual registration. Set a details article for the repeating event and set the calendar items to link to the details article, not registration. Then in the article, put a manual EventLink plugin link that goes to the NON-repeating version of the event. Also, set the calendar to NOT show the category filter buttons. If using the event list view also, set it as a category list and exclude your "calendar category".
So... might sound complicated, but it works. Many users have done this. We'll add other easier options later. Thanks.