Think I may have finally tracked cause of fatal error
"Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 15886 bytes) in /home/mrbb/public_html/libraries/joomla/cache/handler/callback.php on line 108".
When registered member clicks to update their profile under 'Community Builder' above error occurs.
By unpublishing the plugin 'DT Register Records' access to the profile works, however, it shows the lines JDispatcher::register: Event handler not recognized.
JDispatcher::register: Event handler not recognized.
This doesn't seem to affect either the CB profile update or the auto populate of member details into an event registration, but is still an error needing a solution
CB version 1.4. DT version 2.7.6a
If required, I can send screen shots.
IT Administrator
Volunteer Marine Rescue
Broken Bay Unit