Hi there,
Just purchased and installed DT Register and I am amazed at how easy and intuitive the set up was for the first event. So easy in fact that I had Paypal connected and everything running and the only item not working is the Details Link on the Events Summary Page.
It took me awhile bouncing from the manual and the various conifg screens but I have created an article to serve as the "details" page for the event. I enter the Article information in the drop down menus in the Config screen under the General Tab. But I still get the 500 error when you click on the page. Everything seems to be working just fine except this.
I also filled in the Details Override as well with the article ID of 47 - but still no luck.
Did I miss something? I see lots of references to Jevents and I am wondering if I need to install that as well to work with DT.
You can see the event at
and select Class Registration Looks great - goes to registration just fine - purchase via Paypal tested and works too. Just can't connect the Details page to the event.
Joomla 1.5.23 Uptodate on all PHP and extensions etc...
I am new to this component so it's probably something right in front of my nose!
Thank you in advance.