I felt sure this component would solve my problems, but I'm not sure how to implement it...
I like features of a Registration Event the Demo site - I need almost exactly the same behaviour as your Demo Site's "
All County Basketball Weekend (07-15-2011 08:00 AM - 07-16-2011 )" example.
I’ve seen DT’s YouTube vids but wonder if it is possible to download the Events on your demo site as working examples or is this development and something for which I would have to pay? It would so useful to see how you've configured the Event Parameters.
I run a Tour company and through my site I want to take a deposit payment and sometime later take a final payment (or take a full payment up front, if the tour date is less than 2 months away). I will place the Register button in a module position called Book a Tour Place here:
...hope I'm allowed to post a URL...
I would like the Deposit Payment Event (or Full Payment) to Register them as a Joomla User, the final payment will be SPECIAL Group event, available to Authors only. I will upgrade all users manually to the Author group.
In your Demo site example at what stage does the user become a registered Joomla User? Is it ONLY after the Payment is received? I went through the process but short of paying I’m not quite sure.
Am I right also in thinking, that a Deposit Payment and a Final Payment could be set-up as two different events?
Confused and in need of help, (paid or otherwise).