It seems that quite a few people have been trying to style their event list or form and don't see the changes take effect even after clearing the browser's cache. If you want to style the event list or form to match your template style you would do so by editing /components/com_dtregister/assets/css/main.css. However, I was not able to see the changes made even after clearing my browser's cache. My solution was to clear the Joomla cache as well and then refresh my browser to see the changes made to main.css. In the Joomla back end go to Tools-->Clean Cache and then you should see your changes. Just thought I'd throw that out there for those of you that need custom styling and don't see your changes no matter what you seem to try....
Nice suggestion there... thanks for posting it. As a side note, we actually recommend not using Joomla cache. We've seen it cause various random issues over the years, and in our opinion, it normally has more of a negative impact than it does any kind of help with site loading speed or anything else. Just another two cents to throw into this post