DT added a great feature when the ability to create a Repeating Event was added.
We're missing one link in this feature: With repeating events come repeating event dates. We have events that repeat, but can not be registered for until 2 weeks before the event date.
We set the 'Open Registration Open On' field for the first Event in the Repeating Events, but this date carries through for all of the repeats.
We need the ability to set the "Event Registration Open On" field to be a field of X days before an event and Close X days before an Event.
This would allow repeating events to have a unique open and close registration date for all events in the series.
This is not a feature request... it's already there. When you create a new repeating event, you can set the open date and cut-off date on that first "parent" event. Say the open date is 10 days before the event starts, each repeat will automatically get a registration open date that is 10 days prior to the repeat event start date.